Thursday 20 December 2012

Different Varieties of Tea that Have Medicinal Value

Nowadays, all around the world the benefits of drinking tea are highly recognised. From various aspects, tea is a world famous drink because of its benefits. In different places of the world different varieties of tea have been developed. Every kind of this drink has its own unique feature and undergoes various production processes. And there are few types of tea that require notice because of their characteristics:

White tea: It is basically a very less processed type. It is very well known as the Drink of Health. The antioxidant levels which are present in this type are very high. If you drink it, your body becomes well protected from any kind of damage. It also has the potential to prevent cancer. In fact, even cancer patients are advised to drink this healthy beverage to recover soon. The risk of heart attacks is also greatly reduced by this infusion and this makes white tea a good medicine for the heart. Having such remarkable medicinal properties, people should always buy white tea. 

Buddha Tears Tea: It is another type of tea which is known as great source relief from tiredness. There are various health benefits which people can gain from drinking this infusion. Buddha tears tea is also rich in antioxidants and helps in preventing cancer. It also keeps various other diseases away. This variety come in various packages such as loose leaf tea or bagged tea. These leaves are whole leaves which are packed in containers. 

Today, having a desired type of tea is not at all difficult for you. But you should always consider certain things before buying it. There are many suppliers who offer the convenience so as to buy the tea online. With the help of these online websites you can buy wu long tea which is a good quality tea. These websites with their best services also provide you the tea balls of your choice at very reasonable rates. And the biggest advantage with these websites is that you can get your favourite drink at your door step. Hence, we can say that with the help of these online websites you can make your drinking experience more enjoyable and healthy.

Thursday 6 December 2012

Revive your energy with a healthy form of tea

In present scenario, people undergo such a hectic schedule every day that they always crave for a refreshing drink either in the form of tea or coffee. However, if you prefer to begin your day with a cup of tea then there can be no other better option than to buy white tea. There are several other options also available in the market such as green tea, wu long and different kinds of herbal tea. The main benefit of white tea is that it has the properties to fight with a severe disease like cancer. 

You must know that Buddha tears tea is the most effective among all because it seems to be a complete stress buster. The ingredients present in this drink will allow you to connect to inner self. Somehow, if you get irritated in purchasing this infusion again and again then you must end up your search at the loose leaf tea which even tastes much better than the bagged teas. Mainly, people who are quite peculiar about the taste should go with loose leaf tea. 

It is noteworthy that tea balls also don’t ask for much hardship in the preparation of the drink, but are less tasty than bagged tea. People who are looking forward to have a drink which is quite superior in quality then they must buy wu long tea. Whatever may be your preference regarding the purchase of tea but you can retrieve relevant information about any form available in the market at present. All you need to do is just log onto the concerned websites and find out the benefits and side effects involved in any particular tea form. It is the best way to choose the best suitable refreshing drink for you without compromising with the health standards. 

In a nutshell, it can be concluded from the above details that buying the best form of tea will let you enjoy your favourite tea form without compromising with your health standards. So, begin your exhaustive search now and make out the difference on your own!

Friday 30 November 2012

Act wisely while choosing the form of tea for consumption

Do you prefer to take tea as a refreshing drink every day? If your answer is yes, you must begin your exhaustive search about the forms of tea available at present. You may find different types of tea available in the market like black tea, wu long, green and herbal teas. It is to note that white tea is the least processed drink of them all and boasts greater antioxidant activity than its green and black counterparts. This kind of infusion protects your body from damage by free radicals and it also let you fight against a deadly disease called cancer. 

Among all, Buddha tears tea is the most promising variety and is a complete stress buster for sure. People who usually undergo a hectic schedule throughout the day love to buy white tea as it completely refresh your mind and revive your senses. If you don’t want to over exert yourself for buying tea over and over again then you can simply make it hassle free through opting for loose leaf tea. It offers a remarkable blend of taste and fragrance. 

However, if you are using tea balls then you will surely find that it does not need much hardship but cannot provide great taste to the seekers as the other variety do. If you really want to make the right choice regarding the consumption of tea then you must have a look over the benefits of different forms of tea available. 

To ensure your decision, you can even review websites online and have a look over the feedback given by people who are already using a particular variety. People who are extremely conscious about the quality must buy wu long tea as no other form can offer such a superior standard.
At last, it can be concluded from the above details that buying right form of tea will let you have a refreshing drink without affecting your health at all. You can even find your favorite flavor at highly discounted rates online. So, go for it now!

Thursday 4 October 2012

Have you tried Buddha bars tea?

Tea is supposed to be known as a common man’s delight drink. No matter who you are and what you are, when it comes to tea, there would be a very few people who would say no to it. Most of them are delighted when it comes to tea. These days there are various types of the teas available in the market. 

Loose leaf tea and tea balls are something that are becoming more prominent with each passing day. And if you buy white tea to serve your guests then it is considered that you really respect them and care about them because white tea is supposedly the premium class of tea that is healthy and the taste is just divine. Most of the health conscious people buy wu long tea when it comes to serving something classy and scrumptious to their guests. Most of the top five star hotels and restaurants prefer white tea to any other type of tea available in the market. 

White tea has been getting really popular since past few years in Australia. Australians have hardly preferred tea to coffee and other alcoholic drinks. But these days it has been noticed that the health conscious Australians prefer to buy white tea instead of anything else available in the market. They prefer loose leaf tea and tea balls because they are cheap and the quality never disappoints. It has been noticed that people who buy wu long tea stick to the brand quite loyally and that is being constantly imported from China on regular basis. 

Buddha tears tea is another brand that is capturing the market domain and is trusted to be the next big brand in the Australia tea market. Though, it is a well-known fact that this tea is being imported from China, which makes it a bit costly. But when it comes to taste and the kind of offering loose leaf tea, people do not mind compromising a bit on the prices. One thing that everyone must keep in mind before using tea, that you must know how to brew it properly to extract out all the important constituents of the tea leaves and make you tea taste divine.

Thursday 27 September 2012

Tea can make you stress free

Whenever i woke up in the morning, the first thing which I really want to see is the cup of tea which I called my favourite bed tea. It’s been around 20 years when i tasted it first. I need it every morning no matter what is the situation and where i am. You can say that i am addicted to it but i know that i am addicted to a thing which is beneficial for us. The benefits of tea have been recognized globally. Based on its different origin, tea also has different types like white tea, green tea and wu long tea. 

 A very popular form of white tea is Buddha tears tea. It’s completely a stress buster and is best for the today’s lifestyle where everyone has a hectic day schedule. At the end of the day, if you get such a relief providing drink then what else do you want? Buddha tears tea is basically rolled into tea balls which are unfurled. Everyone has a different taste, some likes to have it with milk but i prefer to have Buddha tears tea without milk which is very good for health. Coming to its benefits, it is rich in antioxidants and greatly prevents cancer. Buddha tears tea is always known for supreme quality and soothing.

I know after listening so much benefits of white tea, you are preparing to buy white tea but you don’t need to visit anywhere tea store for it. You can easily get it home delivered in next few days, by simply ordering at the websites which sells different types of tea. But you should always consider certain things before purchasing the tea. According to me, you should buy loose leaf tea instead of packed tea bags. The difference comes in packing and loose leaf tea is rich in antioxidants which offer several health benefits if it consumed regularly.

One more thing if you are overweight and want to burn some calories to get toned body then starting consuming wu long tea. It’s a type of tea which is famous in Asian countries. It is best to have it after lunch or dinner as it helps in proper digestion. For those who are very health conscious, it is best for them.

Due to its benefits and popularity, many tea companies have started selling it online and providing great discounts and benefits to the customers. So, one can easily buy wu long tea simply by placing an online order. But it is always advisable that you should not compromise with the quality over the cheap rates as health is always our priority.

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Buddha tears tea: every sip connects you to yourself

An advertisement on my television set has forced me to write this.  The ad is about a tea product which has lots of benefits as showcased by them. Suddenly, something struck in any corner of my mind that is tea really benefits us? I decided to find some more information about the different types of teas and their benefits.  In my research, I found some real amazing facts about the tea which I am sharing with you.

Tea carries very significant medical properties which help us to stay healthy. Loose leaf tea contains antioxidants that help in removing toxins from the body which helps in reducing the chances to fall ill. Loose leaf tea also helps in increasing the metabolism of the body. Apart from its benefits, when i searched for the different types of tea then i found that the variation in tea depends over the place of its production and the different processes through which it comes to us.  The major types of tea exists in the world are White tea, Black tea, Green tea and Wu long tea. 

White tea is a type of tea which can also be called as a life saving tea because it has cancer fighting properties. So, people should buy white tea to remain healthy throughout the life. And i also found that it’s not very difficult to find white tea, many online portals are selling it. So, one can easily buy white tea by placing order on that websites.

I was very surprised to know that the Buddha tears tea is best in reducing stress. As in current lifestyle, it is very difficult to remain stress free, i think this Buddha tears tea would surely help allot. So, immediately, i placed an order. Furthermore, it is a form of white tea which also helps in toning up your body, means you can remain fit and fine thanks to Buddha tears tea.

It usually comes in a form of tea balls which you later can add into hot water and have a strong mind relaxing tea. Another important tea category is Wu lang which is famous in Asia. The best time to have it is after the lunch because it helps in the process of digestion.  I hope many of you will place an order to buy Wu lang tea after reading this. I spent around 3 hrs in doing research on the tea, and found it worth doing. It is the best drink to remain healthy forever but you have to take it a limited quantity. 

Monday 3 September 2012


Tired from the customary and strenuous schedules, one often searches for a way to escape the tiresome routine. Breaks are often a great way to feel relaxed especially when offered a cup of tea. Tea with its delicious tastes refreshes one’s body and mind. Being the favorite drink of millions of people, it is also good for one’s health. It helps soothing one’s nerves with only less money offered. This cheap tasty drink is consumed all over the world due its medicinal uses too especially people living in cold regions love drinking tea and can’t be without it.

  Are you a fan of drinking tea? Do you want to experience the best taste of the tea you drink? Then it is high time you switch to loose leaf tea. It is said that the taste and properties of it is way better than that found in tea bags. The difference is not much other than the size of the tea that is usually due to the finest of the tea leaves that are handpicked.

The specialty of tea is not only making you forget yourself in the taste but also in the variety it offers. There are many varieties in tea and few are black tea known for its dark brew, white tea which got the name due to its colorless brew, green tea which is one of the least processed teas etc.  There are many other varieties to mention. Also, certain types of teas are famous only in certain countries or regions. For example, the Asians especially the Chinese and Taiwanese buy Wulong tea most prevalently as they drink it after meals to help digestion and get relieved from being bloated. It is also said Wulong tea is good for the skin and to obtain a good body shape.

 Also the White tea is used prevalently by the Chinese as it has more oxidants than the green tea. Another reason why they buy white tea is that it undergoes the most natural process in terms of tea processing i.e. picking and drying. There are many varieties with unique uses and features like this that go on and hence it is important to choose the most suitable one for you.

Monday 27 August 2012


The world is moving towards a whole new level and everything is becoming contemporary. Even food items are becoming modernized and hence one feels bored to eat the items what was once a huge it. These items are replaced and hence not consumed anymore. Though there are many changes revolving around us, one of the few things that remain with us is tea. Though it is modified with a contemporary touch to it, tea still remains one of the most liked beverages in the world. It has the consent of millions of people across the globe.
One may wonder why tea is welcomed this much when compared to other beverages. A simple yet insightful answer to it will be tea apart from tasting good is also good to us in terms of health. Who can deny such a treat? Tea, in general, with its herbal properties is said to reduce blood clots and hence resulting in reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke. It is also believed that drinking tea regularly reduces the risk of cancer. Also, it is said that it strengthens our bones. There are many other uses of tea and one can understand it by drinking tea.

On the other hand, there are varieties of tea available in the market with each variety offering a unique taste. There are many such varieties such as green tea, white tea, black tea, oolong tea etc. Each of these teas has their own unique properties offering an excellent taste when brewed well. For an instance, there is a variety of tea known as the Buddha tears tea which is one of the high-priced teas with an ethereal aroma of Jasmine. 

This tea is a combination of green tea and jasmine blossoms rolled spheres. The tea balls are called tears which unfurls in the water releasing the taste and aroma during the brewing process. It is said that loose leaf tea has more antioxidants than tea bags which is said to affect our body in ways that can result in longevity.

Also, these varieties of teas not offer unique tastes but also unique uses. The oolong tea is said to give a glowing skin and good body shape. Pu-erh, another variety of tea is said to aid digestion and warm the body. Hence, with the different varieties with their different taste and uses, tea is said to a very useful and widely used beverage in the world.

Sunday 22 July 2012

Tea – The Best Way to Keep Yourself Fit

It is often perceived that tea is not good for health but this concept is not correct.  All teas are not harmful for the body. To understand what tea is, we need to know how it is made. Tea is the result of the maceration of flavanoids. If the flavanoid present in the raw material from which the tea is made is nutritious then it is beneficial for the body. Therefore once if we have understood the basics, we can now very well understand how various kinds of tea benefit the body:-

*         The health conscious people who want to reduce their weight buy Wu Long Tea. It is a highly recommended tea for the people who have put on too much weight. Unlike other tea where people do not drink happily because of the bitter or bad taste, this tea has exceptional taste as it is palatable. These tea leaves are made by initially exposing the loose leaf tea leaves exposed to sunlight for a considerable amount of time. Then these dried leaves are oxidized and then churned.

*    Buddha Tears Tea is another kind of tea which is known for relieving a person from the tiredness. There is a peculiar way of producing this kind of tea. The tea leaves are rolled into tea balls. After rolling into balls these are unrolled. Two to three leaves are enough to bring in the flavour to the tea. The best thing about this tea is that this tea even if had without milk, tastes equally good.

*         Similarly some people buy white tea to refresh the body. This tea is produced in the northern part of America.  These days cooks, dieticians and even doctors praise this tea because of the exceptional characteristics it has. One such characteristic is its great taste and smell. Half of the benefit of the tea is just because of its smell as it activates the body through respiratory system. Because of the enthusiasm which people feel after consuming this kind of tea, white tea has become the new trend in the food industry.

Thursday 7 June 2012

Exquisite Taste and Fragrance of Buddha Tears is Alluring

What do you do when you want to refresh yourself? A refreshing cup of tea is an ideal choice to get you rejuvenated. If you want to get enchanted by the aroma and taste then you should get hold of buddha tears tea which is simply the best in taste and sure to tickle your taste buds. Owing to its superb taste and awe-inspiring aroma, buddha tears tea has become one of the most sought after product among the buyers.

If you are one of the users of loose leaf tea, then you must be aware of the benefits of it. It has advantage over tea-bags as it is a better healer of certain diseases and it is superior in terms of freshness and aroma.

Buddha tears tea is a famous tea variety which is available both in the form of tea bags and loose. People commonly call it downy pearls tea and can avail this awesome tea either in tea bags or in loose. There are some people who recognise its rich aroma with the enthralling fragrance of jasmine. If you want to enjoy this tea, you should go in for loose leaf tea rather than for tea bags as it has several health benefits.

The reason for you to choose this tea brand is that it has exquisite taste and wonderful fragrance that can tempt you to buy it. The tea is made from the unopened buds of Chinese floral species and it is slightly less oxidized than green or black tea which is the reason why its superb flavor has no other match.

So, you are a health-conscious person and want to keep all diseases at bay? If yes, then this variety of tea could just be the right choice to you as it is rich in anti-oxidants and has cancer combating properties.

Monday 28 May 2012

Start Your Day with Refreshing Buddha Tears Tea!

One of the most well-known and expensive teas is the Buddha's Tears tea. It simply delivers meditation of the divine. It is made from a succession of unopened gentle white pekoe blossoms and fresh leaves hand-rolled into small ball. Every single tear charmingly open out and jazzes in the water, slowly but surely leaving an awe-inspiring and superior flavour. A gentle and exquisitely light mixture, flavour builds upon every sip, satisfying the taste buds with a sweet jasmine aroma. Contemplation on blissful art and a bodily treat to flavour is the Buddha tears tea.

This loose leaf tea is certainly what one would love to sip while delighting in a Chinese tea house. It is very fresh, calming and stimulating; and is a choice of drink of almost everyone. One can enjoy a cup while reading or meditation in noiseless mornings and evenings. It is a green tea that pleasantly surprises tea lovers with its sweet aroma and a gentle taste.  It is both a prodigious opening point for people who wish to indulge into green tea and also for people who just love to sip green tea early in the morning or the one who need bed tea every day to start their morning. 

It is offered in many cafes and restaurants but with a little high price but worth every single penny. Its delicate aroma can hit anyone instantaneously, which was without any doubt is the best part its experience. The extremely lovely and tasty combination of hand-picked green leaves and jasmine makes the drinking experience enjoyable. 

Buddha tears tea is prepared in highly hygienic atmosphere and only fresh tea leaves are used in its preparation which makes it of superior quality.  It is very light, gentle and smooth and can pamper your taste buds.

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Why should You Select Loose Leaf and Buddha Tears Tea?

Whether it’s to get a hit of fresh and energising taste in the morning or to relax after a long day’s work, tea has become the regular beverage of many households today. Besides the great taste, tea also has innumerable health benefits that make it a perfect healthy drink for everyone. In many households, tea is normally made using processed teabags, but this method of making tea has a few drawbacks. The real taste and aroma of tea can be enjoyed when one uses loose leaf tea and especially when those loose leaves consist of Buddha tears.

Making tea using the normal teabags is at times less expensive and definitely less messy, but often it leaves a bitter and flat taste in our mouth. That is because in the teabags the tealeaves don’t have enough space to expand and release the true taste of the tea, this is especially true when it comes to green and white tea. At times we can also taste the flavour of the material from which the teabags are made in our tea. To get the perfect blend of taste and sweet aroma of tea, it is best to use loose leaf tea rather than the teabag. When the loose tealeaves are added to the hot water, it has more space to expand and allow the water to be infused. This water extracts more vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and flavours from the leaves than it could from a tea bag. This gives the tea not only better taste and more aroma but also extra health benefits. 
 One of the most famous white teas in the world is the Buddha tears tea. It is also known as Jasmine Dragon Pearls. Though the name is depressing but the Buddha tears tea has phenomenal properties. The original and genuine source for this tea can be found in Fujian, China. It consists of silvery-white leaves and unopened white buds that look like pearls, rolled up into pea shape spheres. When these spheres open up inside the boiling water, they release the fragrance of jasmine flowers along with the taste of white tea. This tea contains more antioxidants than the regular green tea making it the perfect health drink anytime of the day. These antioxidants have the therapeutic properties to protect against some cancers, reduce cholesterol, decrease blood pressure and boost one’s immune system. So, the next time you are in the mood for tea, go for loose leaf tea or Buddha tears tea.